Udacity Professional Profile Review


Criteria Meet Specification

Top section

  • Candidate listed their full name
  • Candidate’s current location is spelled correctly
  • Profile has, at minimum, a link to an updated resume and LinkedIn profile
    • Those pursuing technical roles should include GitHub and/or Kaggle account
  • If currently employed, candidate has listed current job position and company
  • Candidate inputted 1-3 related desired job roles and correctly communicated their experience level
  • Candidate has, at a minimum, selected the opportunities they’d be interested in (full-time, part-time, etc)


Criteria Meet Specification

Job Skills

  • Candidate has displayed 8-10 skills and corresponding skills level.
  • Most, if not all, of the skills should be technical, such as programming languages or frameworks. Non-technical skills such as "project management" or "technical recruiting" are acceptable depending on candidate's desired job role.

Experience & Education

Criteria Meet Specification

Work Experience

  • Candidate has displayed at least one relevant work experience.


  • Candidate has displayed all education experiences, including Nanodegree program, any university degree or courses, community college courses, online courses, bootcamps, etc.


Criteria Meet Specification

Four most relevant projects

  • Projects are relevant to the candidate's desired job role.
  • Project descriptions are concise, while clearly communicating the project’s purpose and important technologies used.
  • Project links are unbroken and correct.
  • Every project has an image.

Recruiting Data

Criteria Meet Specification

Questions & Responses

  • Answers to questions are thoughtful, personal and professional.
  • There are no spelling or grammatical errors.

Job Specifications

  • Candidate has only displayed the job criteria that match their desired job roles.
  • Candidate has added their spoken or written languages.

Tips to make your project standout:

  • Of the 4 displayed projects, 1-2 are personal projects.
  • At least one of the personal projects contributes to open source.
  • It's recommended the candidate links to a personal website or Stack Overflow account.